Bichir (polypterus senegalus)


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I walked into my lfs friday and brought home a 4.5'' polypterus senegalus. It looks great and loves to eat salmon and shrimp a lot. Currently it is living in his temperory home (10gal) which is definitly too small, while i am preparing a larger tank for him to move into.
Anyone would like to share some experince on this fascinating fish? Like escape stories and dietory quacks.... :D
here is a picture of a much larger Bichir i grab from, i wish my can grow that large and fat...


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
update on my poly. sene...
The fish is now getting use to the enviroment and starting to show its true nature. For a prmitive specie, this is definitly a very intelligent fish. When i was stick-feeding him shimp, the betta i have in the tank would come by and try to steal it away. This fish would put on a intimidation posture and scare the betta away, then calmly swollow the shimp. It also started his attempt in attacking the feeder goppy i had put into the tank before i could figure out what to feed him. He would wait patiently for the goppy to swim by then strike with lighting speed. So far he had no luck in catch the goppy, but he's just starting to learn how to catch live fish. A good thing about this fish is that it will not over-eat itself to death. Once it had enough, he simply refuse any food i gave to him. He also has a apetite for trying new stuff and has put into his mouth many different kind of "food" at the bottom of the tank. I will definitly need to get a larger tank for this guy because he will be growing very quickly on the high protein diet that i am giving him.
happy fishing...