Hey all, I've got a totally serious issue with my tanks and I have no idea what's going on. I've had almost half the fish die within the last 36hrs. They are fine and then within a couple of hours are dead. But the weird thing is their tails look like the skin is gone, the colors are gone and it's like you can see the structure but nothing else. This morning it was my betta George in his own tank. We got 6 new fish for the 26gal that has been running for 3 weeks. The water has been great, we used the Tetra Safe Start, had 6 zebra Danios and 2 plestcomus, 2 glow tetras in it, along with several varieties of real plants. ANd yes they were all awuatic ones. The plants are grwoing like gang busters and the fish were all doing fine. Then I think the temp got a little high (closer to 80 than 76) and we lost 2 zebras. But I kinda expected losing one or two. So things have been good. No ammonia or nitrites, nitrates below 30ppm. So we went to the LFS and got a couple different plants, a driftwood piece and 2 glow tetras ( we already had 2 to me they look more like hatchets but whatever, they are bright yellow) and 4 sunrise guppies. I planted the plants, soaked the driftwood in the tub with hot water for 2 hours, and I thought acclimated the fish. I added the fish and a little while later added the wood and everything seemed fine. This was Thurs night. Fri I got up and 2 guppies were dead, 1 seemed off, one that seemed off when we got it was dead too. The off one I moved into my betta tank thinking that maybe the filter wash was a little too much. By the time I got home from work he was dead too. Then 1 of the plesto's died after we had seen both of them out swimming around the wood. I checked water again and the Ph had dropped .2 from 2 days before. We have way hard water and there's not much to do about it. I had read the wood might help, and we need another decoration. So now this morning my betta is dead and he had been swimming around the last 24 hours. He's been way off for a couple months, but finally seemed to be better. He had even eaten yesterday! BUt today his tail colors are gone like the guppies. So what the heck is going on??? I'm going to do a 25% wc but that was the plan for today anyway. I just don't know what to do. Since the tank was so new we figured that it was essentially like a QT, but now I'm wondering. Help???? I've added a pic of the big tank. The water is slightly colored from the wood, but clear otherwise.