big fish for sale

Sep 12, 2006
Algonquin, IL
for those of you who read the FW forums here, you may have seen the stickies for gigantic fish that should not be bought because they grow way too big for normal tanks, such as red-tail sharks, red-bellied pacu, and knifefish. well, there are some fish in SW that also grow too big. well, there are the obvious sharks. but guess what one of the local fish stores just got in this week.


i really like this store, it's a huge, warehouse-style fish store with really good quality fish and prices are reasonable, but some of the things they do just seem ridiculous. one time i was there and they had a green moray, gymnothorax funebris. those things grow up to 7 feet! that's just unreasonable to sell one. but these barracuda...they are probably 3-4 inches long right now. i was talking with one of the employees and she said that they know it's a bit out-of-hand but they would make sure that they sell them to someone with a huge tank. i mean, i guess if you had a big tank it'd be cool, but it'd have to be like 1000+ gallons. you'd probably never wanna get in that tank to clean it though lol. just sharing this, thought it was kind of rare to see some barracuda in a shop, especially one in the chicago area.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
Barracudas are actually quite common in the trade...people like them for predator tanks etc..., and yes they need a huge tank, but are not really dangerous, I have scubaed with them, even some 5-6 footers and they are really skittish, and won't mess with anything more than 1/3 their body size...they just are attracted by shiny stuff like watches, earrings, and dive gear.


Large Fish
Aug 20, 2005
never heard of a barracuda attacking a diver before. closest shots i have seen of them they were hiding under the dive boat to use it for cover. the group of divers actually saw one shoot out and nab a fishie. they said it was like the fish was an arrow shot from a bow. and yes jewlery and watches are a no no if you know they will be in the area. i would be taking some electrical tape to any of my gear that is shiny.

Sep 12, 2006
Algonquin, IL
yea, i've snorkeled with them in the caymans, a 4 footer was following me around one of the reefs. it seemed really curious, it just sat a couple feet away and shadowed me for a while. it was cool, except my sister was latched on to my arm the whole time lol. i know they don't attack people in the wild too often, if even. just, possibly if they're in a confined area and used to whatever breaks the surface of the water being food, maybe they would attack their owner? eh, whatever. seeing some in a shop was new to me, cool too!


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
hehe...oh Barracudas.... When I was snorkeling in Key West (we were close to shore, like five feet of water) just looking at cute LITTLE colorful fish when she spotted a neat fish swimming towards us and she tapped me on the shoulder...I turned around and looked and it was, I think, a barracuda, coming straight on at us. It was just really really mean LOOKING and shiny, and I literally pushed her down into the water, swam over her, got to my feet and ran for shore.


It was a moment of sheer panic, I probably peed in my swimsuit. I couldn't imagine having one in a tank. EEK. She was like "It was less than a foot long!" I almost drowned the poor girl.