Big Ol' Vicious Severums?


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Hi everyone, I have a question....

I was gone for 4 days last weekend (camping :p ) I dropped those extended feeder things in my tanks and left, well I came back to some missing fish in my 55g....

When I left I had 10 neon tetras in there, now I have 3...My largest Sev is about 2.5-3" the other two are about 2.5" Is it possible those guys got hungry and ate 7 neons? :eek:

I can't see how any of the other fish could have done it (Yoyo's Red-eye tetras and Ottos)

And before you ask...No there are no corpses to be found, either in the tank or outside on the carpet, which pretty much rules out sick & jumpers.

I knew Sevs would/could eat other smaller fish, but I didn't expect it on such a grand scale.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Hard to say, fish could of died for some reason and then they got eaten. Its always possible but at that size its questionable. I wouldn't think sevs that small would go after them.
I thought they were kinda small too, to do that much damage in 4 days. But on the other hand I can't see how 7 of the neons could just "up and die" in those same 4 days, especially since the remaining 3 seem just fine (as do the rest of the fish)

Hmmmm, I'll just chalk it up to "cosmic mystery" and remove the last 3 neons, into a different tank.

I had planned on re-homing the neons & red-eyes and replace them with 12-14 Tiger barbs....might be time to do it.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Sounds good to me. I always found neons to be pretty fragile.

Lol, just reminded me of what happened yesterday. Was cleaning out the corner of my room where the 55gal i just sold was and started cleaning out the stand. I came across a green net and i looked at it and there was either a dead neon or cardinal stuck in it. Been there for about 4-5


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Sounds good to me. I always found neons to be pretty fragile.

Lol, just reminded me of what happened yesterday. Was cleaning out the corner of my room where the 55gal i just sold was and started cleaning out the stand. I came across a green net and i looked at it and there was either a dead neon or cardinal stuck in it. Been there for about 4-5
MMMM dehydrated neons

Yea, I've had limited success with neons, I always go into it expecting them to be floaters or fish food, but my wife's pretty upset, she thought they were "sooo pretty" I think I'll plop the next batch into the convict tank.....:D


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Those things are junk and all they do is overfeed your tank, which was probably your problem.
If overfeeding our tanks killed 7 fish every 4 days we would ALL have pretty empty looking tanks :eek: unless of course you get exactly the right amount of flake per fish (approx 3.7152 flakes per fish) as much as I try it's not an exact science...

But I do see what your saying, I have never tried these "feeder" things before, so I thought I'd give it a go, however It's unlikely they had anything to do with the deaths, as I put them in 4 of my 7 tanks, and only lost the 7 neons in 1 tank.

It's also the largest and most overfiltered tank I have I might add. so I'm guessing leftover food reaching toxic levels in 4 days in a 55g being filtered by over 100 gallons worth isn't all that likely.