Big white sores


Small Fish
Aug 18, 2010

noticed a day or 2 ago that 2 of my fish had what looked like sores on thier skin, one a guppy one a sword tail, just checked the tank now and 2 more guppies have also got the sores on them, my neons(6), angelfish(1), corys(4), platies(3), my pleco and cherry barb havent got any signs of this.

the tank is 29gal 4ft long thing

not sure on the ph/amonia levels etc... but i had my water checked by my lfs and they said there were no problems with it at all

ive googled the problem and all i can seem to find is about the fish getting bullied, but theres no bullies in the tank

incase you need to know its a 29gal tank with a fluval 204 filter, i done a 30% water change last night and cleaned the filter media

all the fish are active and none are acting out of the ordinary?

Feb 27, 2009
the tank is 29gal 4ft long thing
A 29 gallon tank would not be 4ft long. Is it a 55 gallon perhaps? It is important if you need to medicate a tank full of fish to know the volume.

Measure your tank in inches (length, height, width). Multiply the 3 together, then divide it by 213 to get the approximate number of gallons.

Last edited:
Jan 15, 2011
white sores


Do you have a small tank that you can use as a hospital tank so you can medicate the sick fish without medicating your whole tank? If so you have two options.

You can do a salt bath which cures all that ails you. It won't matter what the illness is, Salt bath cure all. It is also the most natural. Don't use table salt, use Aquarium Salt. Follow the directions on the box. Basically 1 teaspoon of Aquarium Salt for every gal of tank water. Then add that much every day 2x a day. I do it once in the morning and once at night. After a week I change the water. Remember, the salt will not evaporate, so you will need to do a water change.

Again I am no expert but it doesn't sound like Ich. Ich looks like sugar or salt on your fish. You stated that they are sores. Overall what do you sick fish look like do they have clamped fins? How is their color? Are they swimming at the top? Or laying on their side on the bottom or attaching to the filter? Does the sore look like a ulcer? Is it red around it or is there red streaks on your fish or around the gills or fins? If so this could be a bacterial, viral or fungus infection. If it looks like an ulcer it could be hole-in-body very contagious. If this is the case a salt bath will be too harse of a treatment. Need to use antibiotics. Can get this online at fish stores. But need to separate your sick fish from your healthy fish as soon as possible.


Small Fish
Aug 18, 2010
well the tank is a 48x12x12, all but one of the guppies have now died, i currently have neons, an angel fish, 4 cories, 3 platies, 1 cherry barb and a pleco none of these have showed any signs of disease, it seems to have killed off just my swordtails and guppies.

its defo not ich, my old goldfish had that and its totally different, noticed that one of the fins seems pinned to her body and managed to get some pics of my last one, i know shes probably gonna die but if i can prevent it from happening to the rest of the fish happy days

you can see what i mean on her back and side where the fin is, it may possibly look like the scales have come off but it may not, i know they arent very good but shes still very active!

and as you can see my other fish are all healthy with no signs


Jan 16, 2011

You can do a salt bath which cures all that ails you. It won't matter what the illness is, Salt bath cure all. It is also the most natural. Don't use table salt, use Aquarium Salt. e.
Why Aquarium salt? We use table salt for fronts and discus on our board of 12,000 members.

But perhaps it is different from community fish? I so need to know as I am getting my new fish today!