Bigger sump = better?

Jul 12, 2005
With the skimmer attached, my 30tall tank is too large to fit under my 90 as a sump so I was planning on using a 10G to house the filter, skimmer, and heater. Is there any advantage (other than giving me more water volume) to using a larger sump, say a 20 long?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Maybe, maybe not. If you ever decide to keep a DSB in your sump, or algaal filtering then 10 gallons won't be big enough. Also the overflowing business is no joke.

If you drop your power right now I would expect the piping going up from the return pump and into the tank to act as a siphon and slowly drain all the water from your tank down into your sump, with obvious consequences. To get round this drill a couple of small (2 or 3 millimeter holes in the tube just below the water surface. If you do get a power cut then water level will drop till these holes are revealed when airflow will break the siphon. Your sump still needs to be big enough to take this water though

Jul 12, 2005
Might have to come to you for advice when I build my sump and tubing Wayne, if you don't mind. For a start, I'm still struggling to picture how my powerheads which don't appear as if they would not fit onto pvc tubing will pump water through the pvc? Also, I'm gonna use Ferrero Rochae boxes for an HOB overflow but can't picture how these are gonna be suspended outside the tank, or even if they could be lowered to the sump level which would be preferable. I think I read something about them having to be at the water level. Not sure. Anyway, help might be needed *crazysmil


Large Fish
Jun 30, 2003
you shouldn't really use a powerhead as a return pump. they don't have enough head pressure to lift the water. return pumps are usually threaded, so you can attach the PVC piping right to the pump.

here's a good example of a DIY overflow:

you might need something a little stronger and bigger than a ferrero rocher box.

Deep Sand Bed. i think it starts at 4" and anything else deeper.

as for the actual sump, i'd go with something bigger. i had a 10g sump under my 65g tank and i was testing it to see if it would drain too much water into the sump and overflow, and it did. i now have a 16g (20"x10"x18") to hold the extra amount of water. the bigger tank also gives you more water volume.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Agree on not using powerheads to act as a return pump. Performance will be rubbish , then they'll burn out. Also agree that I wouldn't use ferrero roche boxes. I would have drilled the thing though as it saves no end of hassle, though I guess it's a bit late for that.

you have an excellent chance of flooding your house if you make a mess of this so I would suggest that if you d.i.y. the overflows you do it right, and use some decent quality material

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