
Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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Binky, my wife's Angelfish has doubled in size in 2 weeks. I wish I was kidding. I bought him as this little itty-bitty baby angel and he is already nearly 2 inches long and at least 3 tall.

I never raised angels in this stage (I had adults and only kept the babies until they were smaller than Binky), anyone know how long I have until he gets too big for my 25 tall? I have a 55 that is going to be for Discus (Yeah, I am the man) and I know angels can hang with them, but I can't set that tank up for at least 2 months (maybe even closer to 6).

any info would be appreciated.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
They do grow surprisingly quick when small, but should (in my experience) slow down from around this stage.

Personally I think he'll be fine in the 25 for a while longer, when my 60 cracked a few years back I had to swiftly relocate 4 fully grown angels into my 20 long (plus many more fish.. I wasn't happy!) and they survived in there throughout finding cycling a replacement tank which took a good 3 months. Luckily you've got the height in that tank to be able to house them.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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he just scared me with his rapid growth, I was afraid he was going to be out of room.

Coincidentally, a pet store a few miles from my house has 3.5 inch long female red wag swordtails. I am not kidding, they are absolutely massive. The males bodies are at least 3+ inches and the females are even larger.

If I wasn't worried about rehoming my minnows and binky getting bigger I would grab the giant swordtails and see if I could selectively breed them into "Giant Swordtails"


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
lol I have one of the giant swordtails you speak of. mine are not red wag, they are just regular blood reds, but my main (Big Momma) female is almost 4 inches in length. Her offspring also show rapid growth I'm thinking due to a diet of baby brine shrimp. I have one 5 months old male (her son) who is now around 3 inches in length. he is 4 in with the sword. These are awesome but they do not belong in a small tank. I am even having trouble keeping them in my 40 gallon becuase they are way too big >_>
The 4 inch male btw grew up in my 10 gallon tank lol. I guess having 0 nitrates and everything else really helps growth along. Unfortunately he beats the crap out of my female plakat which is even surprising to me, so beware of male's aggression if you buy giant swords.

I'm currently trying to breed my giant swordtail females with a male blue wag platy (the male sword is quarantined in the 10 gal).
So far I got one brood from the cross a few days ago, and am waiting on more. If I do manage to get big blue wag swordtails out of this, I could share some if you are interested :p

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