BIO SPIRA any thoughts


Medium Fish
Aug 13, 2007
So i went to my LFS i was having a big problem, tank meltdown, i got ick i turned temp up put a lil med it, and i woke up the next day, the fish with ich are fine but another fish died, and like 15 min later one died, like 2 hours later another died, and i had to put one out cuz he got really peat up he was missing a eye it was sad. so i bugg out i do my own water test, and nirites and ammo are high nitires .50 ammo 1.. so i take some water to the LFS and they test, the guy gave me bio spira and told me i will have to pay if no fish die in a week..i had one fish looking bad before and after the fish sister said he was looking better but i wassnt around... now ive heard from some people or sites you cant use this wit ammo, and other dont say anything...anyone have any clues if this will help.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
So you did put the biospira in?? If you haven't done it yet, yes it works best on water that is as close to 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 0 nitrates as possible so you want to do a big water change (or two) before you put it in.

If you already put it in, keep us posted and let us know how it works.

We already know that biospira (if used correctly and stored correctly) works well to cycle tanks...but I've heard of cases where it doesn't work nearly as well because the tank isn't freshly set up, and I don't know where the ick will factor into it.


Medium Fish
Aug 13, 2007
ive had my tank up for 10 days, nirate 10 nirite .25/.50 ammo was at 1 when i put it in it looks like .50 now..not too sure. i put it in as soon as i got home. i will keep you all posted..