Bio Spira

Dec 9, 2002
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I was just wondering if anyone had tried Marinelands new Bio Spira product, and if so what were the results? I saw it in a LFS in my hometown and I just wondered how it was. I also hear its pretty expensive, anyone know how much it cost? Thanks in advance.


Small Fish
Dec 2, 2002
Kansas City
I also read a couple of places that it worked. Unfortunately there wasn't much detail other than "it works good" though. My new 55 has been running for two days now so I'm thinking about getting the Bio-Spira this weekend and seeing how it all goes myself..perhaps with a feeder or two.

Oct 22, 2002
This stuff is amazing!!!!!!! It really does work! I sold a guy a 120 gallon the other day and he went and got some and went home and did his thing. HE said that after 24 hours he tested it and the water was perfect. So he put all of his African cichlids in it at once ( 12 ) and that was over 2 weeks ago..and they are all alive and well. HE also used it on his 55 gallon and the same thing happened. I highly recommend it, i knew it would be good fromt he start.


Small Fish
Dec 2, 2002
Kansas City
I bought some for my new 55 this weekend and put it in. Here in Kansas City, Missouri you can find the stuff at Waldo Pets on 80th & Wornall. It was about $12 for the 30 gal treatment and $19 for the 90 gal treatment I believe. I'll post an update in a couple of weeks.

Dec 9, 2002
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What does it exactly do? Im guessing jump start the cycle. How does it work?
Its a referigrated type of nitrafying bacteria. From what I understand it works very well. Apparently the boys and girls at Marineland put lots of time into this, and actually discovered a different bacteria that was the actual nitrafying one. Thats why all the other products dont really work, because its not even the proper stuff. At least thats how I understand it. From Marinelands web page a lot of big Aquariums use it when they set up new exhibits. Im intrested in trying it. I think you put it in the tank with everything running, then after 24 hours you can add a full fish load.