Bio-wheel 60 vs. Emperor 400

May 9, 2005
I have a 50 gallon turtle tank, its quite long and i feel that one aquaclear 500 is not enough to pick up alot of the debris. I want to have another filter to help filter the tank. Im down to the bio-wheel pro 60 powered by the penguin powerhead (300 gph) or the emperor filter (400 gph). They are around 30-40 dollars so thats not a big deal. I know that the emperor is a complete filtration while the bio-wheel pro is not but does the pro system have bigger biowheels than the emperor? Better? Worse? Any experiences with either?


Large Fish
May 16, 2003
Galloway, OH
Visit site
Having a larger bio-wheel isn't going to clear out more debris from your tank. To do that, you need maximum gph and filter material. The Emperor flows more and has two layers of filtration, plus the biowheel. Go with that. I have an Emperor 280 in my 55, and it's worked flawlessly for years.


Medium Fish
Jun 17, 2005
Las Vegas, NV, USA
I think the Emperor would be better also (less debris and better filtration). I believe you do get a larger biowheel on the other system, but as Cutlass said, you can actually have media in the Emperor. I have two Emperor 280s on an 84 gallon tank and they do nicely. The filters come w/a plastic cartridge which you may fill with like 2oz of your own media. I just put filter floss in it for mechanical filtration, but you could put anything in it. In fact, you can buy more of the cartridges and not even use the Emperor carbon filters. I have no experience with the Jebo unit, but I'd say go Emperor. I don't know how messy turtles are, but with 400 rated gph on the Emperor along with the Aquaclear (is that 500gph?), I think that would be more than enough for 50 gallons of water.