Bio-Wheel Filters


Medium Fish
Aug 9, 2006
Being new at this when I bought my tank ( used ) I put in the UGF .. after reading various posts I decided that the UGF was not the way to go , I bought a Penguin Bio-wheel 150 and put it in but now Ive got the UGF sitting there not being used , and deciced to unplug the powerhead , way too much bubbles in there , the tank has been up and running a month , I cant go in and take the UGF out , the convicts had fry , is the water under there gonna get stagnant ? should I keep the UGF running ? any suggestions !

Jul 22, 2006
Below is a quote of a post that I've written on another thread. Remember, its your choice. Do whichever suits you best.

Another thing, I strongly recommend you to vacuum the gravels weekly.


Some people tell me not to use UGF, but I continue to use it for additional biological filtration. I use both, the UGF and HOB filtrations. I will not stop using the UGF anytime soon. I will not use the UGF for any real planted tanks, but will continue using UGF for any tanks that are mostly fake plants or plain rocks (or any decorations). Breaking down the tank to check under the UGF will not destroy bacterias. Its very simple to have one bucket for the fishes and another bucket for the gravels and decorations (both with same tank water). The good bacterias will still be all over the gravels. Its not like you are trying to scrub them off. Do some minor cleaning under the UGF plates (if needed). Its only one day out of 365 or 730 days with additional 1-3 days of cloudiness (or few hours). From my eyes, people do not want to use the UGF, because of the 'once a year tank break down cleaning'. Why would a person have a fish in the first place? It takes love and dedication. One day of complete 'Spring Cleaning' does not hurt. I've never had any problem with my UGF for 3 years. I've drained the water out completely (just enough to keep gravels wet) several times due to moving and when I fill up the tank, the cloudiness goes away within hours and the fishes are still healthy, as if nothing happened.

If you want to keep the UGF, thats okay. Its your choice. You can still use UGF with any HOB filter. UGF are really benefical to a tank.

Edit - Think of it this way... Every day, you take a shower, over and over. You brush your teeth, over and over. You apply makeup on your face, over and over. You mow the lawns, over and over. You prepare your meals, over and over. We do alot of things, over and over. Well, look at the care of UGF. Only one day of Spring Cleaning per year. Think of that.
