I bought a new penguin bio-wheel 200 about one week ago. It worked perfectly at first. Wheel was spinning very fast until I unplugged the filter in order to plug it into a surge protector. It was unplugged for 30 seconds at most, but when i plugged it back in and the filter primed... the wheel started moving very slowly, and then stopped a few minutes later. When i took it out it was heavy and filled with water. I've read a number of posts on the penguin filters that say you have to clean the intake tube regularly to ensure sufficient water flow, but i've only had mine for a week so that can't be the problem. And the water flow seems excellent in any case. The purple slots the bio-wheel fits into are also clear and are both pushed down all the way. Does anyone have an idea what the problem can be? Is it supposed to be filling with water? Do I have a defective wheel?