Bit Worried


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
My little guy won't eat. I fed him 3 pellets yesterday night and found them at the bottom of the tank. Then fed him this morning 3 and he ate 1, took another but spit it out and hasn't touched the other ones. what do I do?


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Well it wasn't me who got the food, but the name is Wardley. Never heard of that name before but i will use that for now till I can get out and get more food, and a heater.

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Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Well there is enough light in the room right now, but I noticed he is just lying at the corner under the tree. Is he depressed? I usually put the light on from 7-11ish at night. He was moving around a lot the first 2 days I got him. Dunno whats wrong. His coloring is fine and no spots of white or anything. The pet store told my friend he is very young so I don't know if that has to do with anything. Maybe I am just paranoid lol. I am new at this so any tips please let me know whats normal usually and not. Thanks

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Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
How long has it been since a water change?Do you have any water testing supplies?
I keep the light on my 1.75gal (about 7l?) hex during the day and when I turn it off at night I wrap a towel over and around it to help hold the heat. Once the nights are warmer that won't be necessary. (I am keeping apple snails in it. I have my betta in a 10gal tank. My last betta lived in the little hex.)


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
homebunnyj said:
How long has it been since a water change?Do you have any water testing supplies?
I keep the light on my 1.75gal (about 7l?) hex during the day and when I turn it off at night I wrap a towel over and around it to help hold the heat. Once the nights are warmer that won't be necessary. (I am keeping apple snails in it. I have my betta in a 10gal tank. My last betta lived in the little hex.)
ya, thats what i do for my 1.5 gal and it works just fine. I have my betta in my 1.5 and he seems pretty happy with the setup.

Just keep an eye on your guy, watch for coloration changes - like going pale. Try to get a really good look all over him to see if there are any irregularities in his appearance, like fuzz, gill color, breathing patterns, etc... hope he gets to feeling better.

Maybe try a water change..


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Did you add dechlor when you filled the tank? I would suggest doing a 50% water change, and use warmer water to fill it back up. Try to get the tank around 78 degrees, do you have a thermometer on the tank? Also, if you have some, I would suggest adding a tiny bit of aquarium salt, only a couple of crystals. IMO with bettas, they can catch an illness really quickly and before you know it, it is too late to save them. My last two bettas started acting lethargic and by the next night they were dead. Since I've kept the temp around 76-78 degrees and added a small amount of aquarium salt, I haven't had any problems.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Well, you just got him, right? A lot of bettas are picky from the store, they can take quite a while to get weaned onto pellets or flakes. I had one go almost 2 weeks before he took anything at all, and even after that he would only eat blood worms. Give him a few weeks, and he should get hungry enough to eat. You can also try offering a variety, some bettas like flakes or other things more than the pellets, some will only eat the pellets... they're all different.

Edit: try feeding him every day, but make sure to take out any uneaten food or it'll sit on the bottom and rot and just generally turn nasty.