black algae on plants

I have a 32g tank which was doing fine 'til I had to treat it
with Ich medicine. A few weeks later I noticed that there was a lot of black algae covering some of the plants. I have been doing weekly 30% water changes, and a 40% one this passed Friday.

Is there anything else I should be doing?

The only algae eater I have is a Siamese Flying Fox. Would anything else eat this type of algae?

Hi, thanks for replying. Its a 32 gall tank with 2 lights: 1 aquaglo and 1 sunglo. Nitrites are zero. Dont know about the Co2 . This tank does not have a Co2 system. I dont have a phosphate reading.

The GH is nice and low 5 degrees (50-100 ppm) However, I also did a pH test and its quite alkaline - 7.8. I've been collecting rain water off the roof, may be its pickling up something from the roof tiles. I was buying RO water but it gets expensive.

I used NOX-ICH for the Ich. Its the one the pet store uses for their own fish.

No, its not a hairy type of algae. Just the opposite - its black and just coats the leaves, kinda blotchy.

This tank holds 6 tiger barb, 1 clown loach, 1 siamese flying fox and 2 yellow gouramies so its not overloaded.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It looks like what's called "brown algae" to me. It's fairly harmless. Otocinclus will get rid of it, but it should go away on its own.

By the way, a nitrate reading of zero isn't good in a planted tank, it means that the plants have used up all the nitrate, and are hungry for more. You can get some Flourish nitrogen to correct this imbalance, or there are a number of other sources for it.