Black background


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
Visit site
I've just put a black binliner on the back of my divided tank, it looks ok , hides the air tubes and wires but Sirius is flaring a lot. He can probably see himself somewhere, but is it dangerous for him to flare a lot?
Also I have put some of my larger guppy and molly fry in the other side , to see how they like it. LOL.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Thats funny, because I had the same problem with Finchy when I first added him to my 10gal spawning tank. He would constantly flare at the tank background and completely ignor the female... I ended up inserting a white sheet of paper in front of the background to get him to stop flaring and start mating!

Some bettas (red ones seem to do it more) are more sensitive to their reflections that others.

Try a lighter colored background (blue maybe) and see how it goes.


Medium Fish
Oct 6, 2003
Sydney west
When I first bought my Betta home, the new tank I bought at the same time had a mirror attached to the back of it.

My Betta would flare at his own reflection, I was afraid that he would be so consumed with trying to attack the other fish (which of course he had no idea he was trying to attack himself), that he wouldnt eat and die of starvation.

But...after time when he got over it, he didnt pay much attention to it anymore. Now he is in a tank that has no mirror.

I guess it would depend on the fish. Even when you see them in petshops etc, side by side, they flare at each other but then some will not care, they seem to know that there is a wall between them and they have no chance of getting to the other Betta.

Hope that helped.


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
im sorry but what exalty is flaring? if a black backgournd is upsetting for fish try a plain blue 1 or 1 with plants and rocks on. i have a grey/brown rocky one in my 10g and no porblems there and a black 1 in my 25 and no porobs either. but i dont thinka backgorund should upset ur fish so much are you sure it is the background?