Black blotches on both clowns.


Large Fish
Jan 20, 2009
Oceanside NY
I have 2 false percs in my 12 gallon tank. Tank has been running for 6 months, im just getting passed my algae stages. I noticed about a month ago that 1 clown (female) had black blotches (1-2) on her. I read it could be stings from anemone which I dont have but could have possible been bad anemone from aptasia. I let it go for a little. This weekend I was away from friday till monday my father cares for my fish, and i taught him very well how to do it. I came home tonite and noticed that there were many black blotches on him and now on the other clown (male). I have 3 peppermint shrimp and I have not noticed any aptasia any more.

In my tank I have 1 small xenia patch, 1 large pulsing xenia, 1 large rock of polyps, a bunch of snails and the peppermints .

My readings are:
Nitrate-as close to zero as possible
salinity-1.024<checked with hydrometer daily.

I use only RO water in my tank
my salt mix is IO reef crystals
I add a diluted drop of iodine once every other week
I do all to keep my water pristine.

From what ive read the blotches are not bad for the fish and the fish show no signs of disease no flashing, no chalky poo, no cloudy or pop eyes. none of the things that should worry me, they eat great and swim even better. I dont trust any other forum except this so just looking for some reassurance.


Large Fish
Jan 20, 2009
Oceanside NY
i waas thinking that too. But I did notice the first ones when I first got the female, which is now like 3 months. It definitly has gotten worse since the xenia was put in, and even worse once it started spreading alot.