Black kuhli loaches


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
At the LFS today I saw that black kuhli loaches were being offered. Because they were under rocks, I unfortunately didn't get to see them. I googled them and they seem pretty neat. I already have three regular striped kuhlis; does anyone have any experience with the black variety?


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I have some black Kuhli loaches in my 29gallon planted tank. They are nice and round and seem to do fine competing for food. I know I should have more and will get some the next time I see them in my LFS. A couple times a week I get some frozen bloodworms or frozen brine shrimp and use a turkey baster to shoot food at them just to make sure they get a good meaty meal every once in a while. I have however gone without doing this for weeks at a time and they do fine without getting the special treatment. Make sure you give them plenty of little nooks and crannies to wiggle into as they enjoy getting in tight places. has some info on the striped variety which is probably very similar to the black variety. They prefer a fine substrate, but the tank I have them in has regular sized aquarium gravel and they have not complained much about it. My temp is 78*F, pH between 6.8 and 7.2 due to DIY CO2, GH=5, KH=10, Nitrates= 10-20ppm, but have went as high as 50ppm in the past with no loach fatalities. These guys are tough.


Medium Fish
Mar 11, 2005
black kuhli...

i recently purchased a black kuhli loach (mr.whiskers) and he is entertaning. He swims around all day in circles following the the glass walls round and round, then he stops and dives his head into the gravel looking for food, and when he finds food he lifts his head up like a squirrel and chews. My personal favorite thing he does in swimming to the air stone real fast then stopping on it, letting the bubbles carry him to the top of the water, then circling around and doin it again (he does this for no lie an hour). But this activity raises some questions with me. Is he trying to tell me somthing is wrong or is he just plain fun?

PH. 6.8
ammonia. 0.0
nitrite. 0.0
nitrate. 30ppm
10-gallon, 8 neon tetras, random guppy,1 black kuhli.

I read that kuhlis are ok in a 10 gallon but now i'm having second thoughts, and the neons i expect a die off so i bought more than i probably should.

thank you.
(sorry to hop on your post but i think this pertains to your question) *crazysmil "GUILTY!!!"