Black moor slime?


Small Fish
Aug 1, 2009
Hi everyone! I finally upgraded my 10 gal to a grand 29 gal. :D
I have a medium ryukin, small telescope, small red oranda, and a medium black moor named Charlie. I think Charlie is coming up to his first birthday soon! Everyone got settled all nice in the tank and it's been about a month since the 29 gal. has been up.

But I noticed last night that Charlie's tail is sort of split and chewed in some places and some of the tips of his tail is turning to a clear color. One split is about 1.5 cm into his beautiful tail. This is recent, because I check them often.

My fish have been picking on him! At first, I thought the telescope was the only one hurting him, but I took him out and now the ryikin is.
Well, healthy fish pick on sick fish, right? I haven't been able to test the water yet, but it was looking dirty so I did about a 40% water change earlier and added the API Tap conditioner like always.

Well, Charlie is in the 10 gal underneath now with a couple of fruit tetras. He just kind of floats in one spot. It looks like he has some white slime spot areas (not cloud eye) on his tail (but not on the body as far as I can tell). Could this be fungus or a bacterial infection? This was probably caused by the dirty water, but the 10 gal. water is perfect. Will he heal up on his own or does he need treatment?

I don't want to put him back into the 29 yet, because he needs to get healthy again. Is there anything I could treat him with? I'm worried, because I read about similar circumstances where the fish died within two days. I need to get the water checked, but until then is there anything I can do? You guys have gotta help me out. My fish are my little babies and I really care about Charlie.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
well Charlie wont do very well in a tank with tetras. not only will they probably pick on him if hes lethargic, but the water pH is probably not right for him. he likes slightly basic water. tetras dont.

This is kinda common for goldfish if they live in a dirty tank. any other goldfish will pick on him, you cant avoid that. it could have been the filter that did that to him, it could have been his tail got caught on a decoration (GF are really clumsy cows)

Well, a pic would be nice to decide what is wrong with him. goldfish can be sensitive to meds. dont treat until you KNOW what it is. I suggest feeding him a very varied and nutritious diet from now on until he gets better. Things like frozen peas, romaine lettuce, broccoli, different types of goldfish foods. I've found in the 12 years of goldfish keeping, that if you feed them a varied diet, then theyll be able to get all the nutrients, vitamins and proteins they need to repair themselves naturally.

If hes looking really bad, then treat with fin rot meds or something. It sounds a little like fungus too.
It would be terrible if something could hppen to him :(

wish you best of luck and sorry i couldnt help more.


Small Fish
Aug 1, 2009
I feed them Hikari Gold, but I soak the pellets and press out the air so my goldies don't get any swim bladder problems. Charlie loves snow peas and lots of fruit (oranges, peaches, nectarines, etc) but he doesn't like his leafy greens. Are fruits okay? I've heard good and bad about them. Oh, and what about incorporating some kind of protein into his diet too? Like krill or little shrimpies? Would this help at all?

The tetras (also a ghost fish and a tiny sucky fish) don't seem interested in Charlie. They don't nip at him. In fact, I have never seen them put a thing in their mouths in the entire 3 years of having them. If they did bother him, it wouldn't be as harmful as my giant-mouthed ryukin taking bites out of him like before.

Is putting Charlie in a 5 gal sick tank a good idea right now? With the white slime blotches on him, I keep thinking this is a fungus. I think I see this a lot on sick black moors in pet shops and they're often being treated with medicine. I'll mix his diet up more, but what kind of treatment would you recommend if he needed it?

But thanks for your advice :D Keep Charlie in your prayers!


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I will pray for charlie lol

Keep him in a larger tank. try feeding him the krill and what else you suggested. try to feed him veggies, they will be good. not sure about all the acidic fruit youre giving him, but if he/your other goldifsh didnt show any side effects after all this time that youve kept them then im sure it fine.