Black Phantom Pleco??


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
So I finally got to Big Al's today (it's been way too long!) and was happy to discover some little plecos. I bought two under the name "Black Phantom Pleco" to replace the one I used to have.

Now I must know- as far as my knowledge goes, there is no such thing as a "Black Phantom" pleco. They look exactly like my old Blue Phantom, so I assumed they were miss marked at the store. Is my assumption correct, or are there really the two types?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Well there are 2 types, but "black" phantom isn't one of them. They were prob mis-marked. I imagine the employee doing the label misread the import sheet.

The other phantom is the green phantom L200. And there is a debate as to weather or not the 2 known types of green phantom are actually 2 separate species, and the blue phantom is just a color morph of one of the green species.

I sold my green phantoms, not that they were not very pretty, but after eating nearly 300 bucks worth of plants...THEY HAD TO GO!!! lol

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Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
Good catch, PC. There are so many Ls tho, you need a scorecard at times. :)

I got some very cool cories recently which were labelled Metae Cories but were really Mellinis. So long as you got something you liked and paid a fair price, it's all good.

Same here o.o I went to petsmart to get my ten gal... two days ago?
But they had sunburst guppies and called them a Coral :confused: To my knowlage there are no such thing as coral guppies inless it's a highbreed of the Nothern mosiacs..And Corails have black streaks on their bodies, bright green markless fines and a orang dorsal fin o_O these guys had bright yellow pallish bodies with red gills, big faned yellow tails with red pinmarks in them and flame red perpendicular fins =D They where still beautiful, and I thought about it =/ but for 10 bucks?? Whos kidding? if it was actualy a real corail guppy they are worth 7 tops, but these guys where sunbursts and they are worth 1.50 in a normal market and 4.80 for breeder show guppies.
I didint have a extra ten bucks after buying a 45 dollar aquarium and plants X_X...... And they had dead Mollies floating on the top T_T I aint about to buy no deseased guppies while I'm still getting over a parasite..

But I dont think there are black ones o_O I've seen a green one and to me there pretty awesome!=D but a blue is rare here and I would even pay 50 for one cause of their exoticness=3 your really lucky to find a pair! how many plecos do you have now o.o?

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Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
I'm a bit of an addict with it comes to Blue Phantoms, they're my favorite kind of Pleco :)
So now I have my Queen, Rubberlip, Common, Goldline, and the 2 Blues, so that's 6 Pleco. I'm getting my Zebras on Sunday, so that'll make it 9 :D