Black Piranha

May 29, 2006
Sussex, NJ
I just got him yesterday. He is about 4 inches long and in a 29 gallon tank with one pleco and a few rosies(feeders). My question is he is sitting in the back of the tank on the bottom behind a plant. He is also above the bubble strip( can someone tell me what these are called. It is under the gravel and bubbles come up from it.) and he likes to stay there. Thanks for your response.

May 29, 2006
Sussex, NJ
The piranha though is pretty mild so far and he was in a tank with a pleco at the pet store. The thing that kinda bummed me out was at the pet store they also had 2 6-7 inch red bellies for 29.99 or 2 for 40. I wish i had the space. They were in there with a tiny oscar and they did not even attack him. They pet store guy said that they probably did not notice them.


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sligo, Ireland
I have 6 juvenille RBP's of about 1.5 inches. After doing a lot of research on these guys I can tell you that as Piranha grow, they are not the most active of fish. Juvenilles are a lot more active. Piranha are usually better kept in groups of about 5 or 6. They are quite shy fish and do not like a brightly lit tank. It might be an idea to cover your light with some grease proof paper to dim the light in the tank. Also, give him plenty of places to hide, drift wood and some large plants, artificial or real doesnt really matter. I also have a pleco in the tank with my guys and they don't bother him at all. This may change as they grow though. If you want more indepth info on Piranha's, try the link below. Hope this helps.


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