Black Skirt Tetras - Tank Size and Moving

Apr 4, 2009
I've had a 29 gallon tank since 2006; for the last 2 years I've only had 5 of the Black Skirt Tetras (along with plastic plants and some ornaments) and plan to keep it that way.

I have 2 questions:

What is the appropriate size tank for the 5 fish? Changing even half the water in the 29 is a real chore for me, so I would like to downsize. *SICK*

We plan to move in the next month or so from the East Coast to the West Coast. What is the best way to safely move the fish? *GOLDFISH*

Thanks in advance for all replies.



Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
IMO you have plenty of room in the 29g for 5 tetras plus a few others if you choose after your move. I would fill a clean cooler with about 5 inches of water from your tank and get some type of aerator you can plug in at night - I assume you will stop for the night someplace with power. I wouldn't worry about feeding the fish during that time. Black skirt tetras are pretty hardy IME. I don't know what your plan is, of course, but having been back and forth across country numerous times, I find it is usually a 4 - 5 day trip and this time of year it should be warm enough not to need a heater. As far as water changes, in an established tank as you have and if your water tests okay you probably could get away with about a 25% change once a month, particularly if you continue with just your current stocking.

Apr 4, 2009

Thanks for your reply ... but I do want to get a much smaller tank once we get setup; what's the minimum size for the 5 fish that I have.

We'll be flying not driving. What would be the best way to transport them (shipping, etc) ..



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
You should be able to ship them easily enough - if possible, ask maybe your LFS or somewhere who ships fish, what they recommend as far as packaging. Baring that, I would say double bag them and if the weather looks particularly hot, throw a cold pack in with them (again, ask what is normally used with fish if you can). Also take a used filter cartridge out as you break down the tank, and stick it in a ziploc with some tank water and bring it with you, to hopefully eliminate or reduce cycling when you set back up.

A 20g should be fine for those guys, possibly smaller. Honestly I've never seen a full grown black skirt, just the little ones they sell in stores. You would want a comfortable tank size for them. If you do even a 5g water change in a 20-29g tank with those guys once a month, it would be fine. So you don't have to stress about massive water changes.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I will bet it will cost more to ship those fish than what it would cost to replace them. As I remember the ones I cost were probably about $1 each on sale. If that is the case I would just donate them to someone or your LFS and start of when you get settled.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Uncle Albert,

Nothing but 5 black skirt tetras and some decor would be fine in a 10g tank if you really want to go as small as possible. A 20g long is also an easy tank to maintain IMO.

Congrats to you for owning the same batch of small tropicals for going on 8 years! That means you maintain your tank wonderfully. I would think 7-8yrs would be about the lifespan of those fish. Not sure.

Like said, if your going to move them yourself, keep them in a sturdy plastic cooler with some of their used decor, gravel and filter media. You can get battery powered air pumps for a bubbler, etc.

I would think shipping them commercially wouldn't be worth the risk. Like Thyra suggested, donate them and get more once you're settled if that's the case.

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