Black Widow Tetra breeding


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Hi all,

New here, looking for a little help... Came home tonight, fed the fish as usual, noticed that my 2 biggest Skirted or black widow tetras, were HUGE, They've almost doubled in width!!! The lil one (its a school of 3) looks normal... I'm taking a wild guess from reading, that he'd be a male.

They're currently sharing a 10 gallon with a pair of Albino Corys.

So my best guess is they're about to spawn (makes sense, They got moved to my 15 for a couple days over the weekend, then moved back due to heater failure (in the meantime the 10 got a 100% wc and a thorough cleaning))

What should I be doing? I'd like to give bringing up the spawn a whirl, but I can't seem to find as much info on tetras as I can on other species (angels come to mind) About all I've found is the parents will think the eggs are caviar, a tasty treat...

Suggestions? links?
