Hi guys, I'm new to the forum and after doing a little looking around, I have a question about my Bleeding Heart Tetras I picked up today. I purchased two to add to my tank that currently has two other smaller types of Tetras - 3 Orange Flame, and 3 Rosy Tetras.
One of the Bleeding Hearts is going after the other, and now I noticed that he's going after one of the Rosy Tetras. The other Bleeding Heart is quite content hanging with the Rosy Tetras.
I'm wondering if he's doing this because he's new to the tank? I don't want to keep him in there if that's what he's going to continue to do. The other fish were doing just fine together. Is it maybe because I only picked up two? They're kind of bigger than the other little guys and I didn't want to get too many and have them crowd the others out.
If anyone has any experience with the Bleeding Hearts and could give me some advice, I'd appreciate it. Thank you
One of the Bleeding Hearts is going after the other, and now I noticed that he's going after one of the Rosy Tetras. The other Bleeding Heart is quite content hanging with the Rosy Tetras.
I'm wondering if he's doing this because he's new to the tank? I don't want to keep him in there if that's what he's going to continue to do. The other fish were doing just fine together. Is it maybe because I only picked up two? They're kind of bigger than the other little guys and I didn't want to get too many and have them crowd the others out.
If anyone has any experience with the Bleeding Hearts and could give me some advice, I'd appreciate it. Thank you