Blennies/gobys Help

Jul 22, 2003
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Hi i am thinking of keeping blennies/gobies,need help,pls answer these questions below.
1)what are the conditions for them ?
2)Can they be kept in a 16g reef tank ?
3)do they need any special care or something ?
4)?? What other fishes can be kept with it , can they live with anemones ?
5)What is the difference between blenny and gobbby?
6)any links ??


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
1. Lots of cover, some need sand beds. With 700+ species of blennies and 2000+ gobies it's hard to be specific
2. Smaller ones make good fish for small tanks as they don't need much swimming room
3. They tend to do better in 'natural' tanks as critturs make good accessory food. But which ones do you mean - some are very tough, some are very tough to keep
4. They can be kept with most peaceful, or fish that won't hassle them. The are good choices for reefs, though they do have problems with anemonaes as most tanks are so small the gobies usually end up in the anemonaes by mistake (not enough room to constantly avoid being lunch). This will be very risky in a 2 foot tank
5. Do your own homework
6. and take it from there.