Blind Cave Tetra

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
Ok i have a blind cave tetra... guy is funny to watch, he swims normal most of the time, but then all of a sudden like he has tarets syndrome or something , he starts swimming like a twister, or in loops constantly going in twister motion, he does this for a good thirty minutes, then he goes and lays on the bottom of the tank catching his breath because he is tired... i think he is sick but the minute i come over to tank he starts swimming normally. He has done this for over a month, don't think he is ill just a wierd fish i think. Anyone have something similary with tetras or other fish?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I've had this happen to wild discus and with a little research found it to be caused by an internal parasite effecting his brain. In the discus, once they start showing signs of this twirling behavior it's too late for any treatment, and if you are lucky enough to cure it the fish will be brain damaged.