Lauraf I haven't seen the cat eat for about three days now his color looks good and he swims normal but his gut is huge, I'm not sure if I would call it bloat or constipation, I am in need of help or suggestions
Ah. I'm assuming water parameters all normal? Could possibly be that he is a she, carrying eggs.
If the fish otherwise is acting normally and the tank is stable, I would let it be, and monitor carefully for any other signs of disease.
Sorry to say she expired last night, she made that purring clicking noise you could tell she was miserable, I felt so bad, I never heard a fish vocalize before.
Thanks Laura, Marilyn and I where talking last night and she reminded me about the cats bad habit of sleeping on the heaters it was so bad at one point her whole bottom was covered with white scares, the only way I could keep her off them was to put them in the open and adjust the angles so she couldn't stay on them. Anyway we think maybe she had some internal problems do to all the burns.