They're a very popular fish. They're funny looking, entertaining, can be stressful to tankmates though they don't do very much damage since many of them are not able to completely close their mouth.
There is much controversy over them. Sometimes I find them cute, if they're small and bug-eyed enough, some of them are just absolutely horribly bred and kept and look disgusting. Personally they don't appeal to me. I never was fond of their "beaky" look but I'd rather not have them just to keep from contributing to the demand of these fish.
They're a popular fish of several inhumane practices. They're very popular for dipping in dye and being sold as "rainbow" or "jellybean" parrots, injecting with dye, or laser "tattooing" rediculous messages or images. Many are also mutilated, clipping the hard spines on the dorsal leaving only the first long ray to sell as "unicorn" parrots or completely cutting off the caudal/tail to that if the fish heals correctly it vaguely resembles a heart and gets sold as "love" or "heart parrots". Popular around the Valentine's day holiday.
They're used to make interesting new forms of FlowerHorn, another hotly debated hybrid, which can be undeniably gorgeous in itself.
Fact is the fish are here and my sentiment is that if anyone happens to end up with one it should not be dumped or mistreated because of what it is or what it's suffered. They're living creatures that ask for nothing, at their owners mercy and should be kept to the best of one's ability.
And kudos to you for taking the time to learn yourself up on a fish just for the heck of it! *SUNSMILE*