blood parrot cichlid


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
I haven't decided on a centerpiece fish for my 29 gallon aquarium yet (though I'm leaning toward getting an angel), and I've been looking through the freshwater profiles.. who all keeps blood parrots? I'm not really asking because I want one (although they are pretty fish), more so jst because their profile left me more curious than anything else. For those of you who keep one, how large is it? How agressive? What other fish do you house it with?

Again, I'm more just being nosy than anything else... *SUPERSMIL


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Anyone who replies to this, please be calm.

Jessey - Blood Parrots are interesting fish that some people have very strong feelings about. They are cichlids, so you dont want to keep them in a community tank...many people who keep them keep them with other BP's. Their tempraments can widely vary due to the fact that they are hybrids. Same thing with the size...but usually they get pretty chunky and relatively large.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Also not the best choice for a center piece fish as IME with them just keeping one he will most likely hide all the time and you won't see him very much.

A group of them in a tank large enough to support them is a sight to behold.


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
I've read about people having strong feelings about BPs, and I certainly didn't mean to upset anyone or anything. And that's interesting about them hiding a lot.

I was mainly just interested because the information out there about them is so varied and elusive... ;)

They're a very popular fish. They're funny looking, entertaining, can be stressful to tankmates though they don't do very much damage since many of them are not able to completely close their mouth.
There is much controversy over them. Sometimes I find them cute, if they're small and bug-eyed enough, some of them are just absolutely horribly bred and kept and look disgusting. Personally they don't appeal to me. I never was fond of their "beaky" look but I'd rather not have them just to keep from contributing to the demand of these fish.
They're a popular fish of several inhumane practices. They're very popular for dipping in dye and being sold as "rainbow" or "jellybean" parrots, injecting with dye, or laser "tattooing" rediculous messages or images. Many are also mutilated, clipping the hard spines on the dorsal leaving only the first long ray to sell as "unicorn" parrots or completely cutting off the caudal/tail to that if the fish heals correctly it vaguely resembles a heart and gets sold as "love" or "heart parrots". Popular around the Valentine's day holiday.
They're used to make interesting new forms of FlowerHorn, another hotly debated hybrid, which can be undeniably gorgeous in itself.
Fact is the fish are here and my sentiment is that if anyone happens to end up with one it should not be dumped or mistreated because of what it is or what it's suffered. They're living creatures that ask for nothing, at their owners mercy and should be kept to the best of one's ability.
And kudos to you for taking the time to learn yourself up on a fish just for the heck of it! *SUNSMILE*

Likes: FroggyFox


Medium Fish
Dec 11, 2006
those blood parrots from petland/petco are dyed fish...eventually there color will fade. Yes, they do get aggresive. i've seen BP getting up to 12" jeezzzzz there fat and ugly lol


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
I have a friend who keeps exclusively parrotfish (although they aren't bright red so I'd hate to call them blood parrots) They are more flesh-colored. She has a 100gallon tank and they reproduce like crazy. They're funny looking which I guess to some ppl would make them cute, they aren't exactly my taste.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
(from experience) reckon on it getting to be around 6 to 8 inches - be semi-agressive - and eat like a pig.

They like to boss the tank, and push everyone around, but seldom cause any physical damage to other fish.

Most females can lay eggs - but fertile males are few and far between.

Mine used to be in a tank with an Oscar - every time she (the BP) laid eggs, that Oscar was bullied into one corner of the tank until the eggs went (they never hatched).

Friendly (to humans) and far from shy, the undyed ones are an "orangy/salmon" colour - avoid pink or bright red - and epescially any purple, green, or blue ones - those are the ones that are "treated" (and appalingly too).

Shape does vary a lot - so you should be able to find one that's not too big eyed or looks like it's had its head stuck on as an afterthought.

Love 'em or leave 'em basically ........

Likes: FroggyFox
I agree with Purple, people either love them or hate them. I have 4 – Red Parrots (6”), 2 Silver Dollars (4”), and a 10” Red Tiger Oscar living in a 110 gallon Tank living very peaceful with each other.

My Oscar is very laid back, he was raised under the authority of a 12” bright yellow male Parrot who thought the entire 110 gallons was his territory.

When I setup up my 220, I will have a variety of various cichlids, including the dwarfs. The Red Blood Parrots will be the main theme of the tank.


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
Hrm...interesting to read that they are infertile...maybe I am confused. She said they are parrotfish and they are most certainly reproducing, I've seen the babies myself and she often sells them to the local LFS. Are the orange/salmon colored ones also infertile? Those are the ones she has "salmon" colored although the coloration among the offspring tends to vary slightly. If the original ones she purchased were or parrot/convict parents would they still be infertile? I want to say they are parrots because they really are hard to be confused with other fish---quite distinct appearance to those guys.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
FreddyJ said:
Hrm...interesting to read that they are infertile...maybe I am confused. She said they are parrotfish and they are most certainly reproducing, I've seen the babies myself and she often sells them to the local LFS. Are the orange/salmon colored ones also infertile? Those are the ones she has "salmon" colored although the coloration among the offspring tends to vary slightly. If the original ones she purchased were or parrot/convict parents would they still be infertile? I want to say they are parrots because they really are hard to be confused with other fish---quite distinct appearance to those guys.
Very well could be a "Jellybean Parrot". Which is a Convict X Parrot cross (male con, female parrot). To my knowledge these are fertile.


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
Bassetdad said:
I agree with Purple, people either love them or hate them. I have 4 – Red Parrots (6”), 2 Silver Dollars (4”), and a 10” Red Tiger Oscar living in a 110 gallon Tank living very peaceful with each other.
That sounds like a stunning tank and I'm jealous! I would LOVE to keep a tank like the if I had a big enough one. :)

Matt - I thought "jellybean parrot" for the dyed parrots. No?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
jessey said:
That sounds like a stunning tank and I'm jealous! I would LOVE to keep a tank like the if I had a big enough one. :)

Matt - I thought "jellybean parrot" for the dyed parrots. No?
Nah those are just dyed parrots/blood parrots. Jellybean parrots are usually dyed, but not the same as a normal colored (dyed) blood parrots. Different people give them different names.

Likes: FroggyFox