Blood Parrot Tank Fish

Dec 1, 2013
I have finally been able to get rid of all the hand me down fish and fish that weren't what I bought in the first place! I so happy :)

However, I kept my Blood Parrots because they're probably my favorite fish. Their personalities are wonderful! However, with only two blood parrots in my tank, it's quite empty. I checked with Aqadvisor and it said I was at 78% for stocking and had plenty of filtration to handle more fish.

I was told that cories and barbs would be a great addition, however I've always had my Parrots with cichlids and I was really wondering if any of you had suggestions that would fit in a 55g tank with them for cichlids. But, if it's better not to have cichlids with them, I would also like to know that and what my options for a flashier fish would be.