First, the background info: I have a well-established 20 gallon tank with two dwarf catfish, four neon tetras, and I had five bloodfin tetras. I just added one golden algae eater and a black mystery snail. I noticed my bloodfin tetras were breathing very quickly and hanging out at the bottom of the tank. I tested ammonia (none) nitrites (none) and pH (6.0). The temperature was also on the high side (80F). I did a fifty percent water change with slightly cooler water with a slightly higher pH. I also lowered the setting on the new heater. Now the pH is 6.4 and the temp is 76. All the others thought that was great, but my bloodfins were still having trouble. Now two have died. There were no discolorations on their bodies. One of the ones that is still alive is grossly round, but another is thin. The three left are still are breathing heavily and not eating. I have NO IDEA what is wrong. Any suggestions?