

New Fish
May 8, 2016
I believe that bloodworms are a serious menace to fish keeping. They are really sewer worms called tubifex which live in diseased water. I bought tubifex live over 50 years ago and once seen never forgotten. Bloodworms are sold as midge larvae which is not case.


New Fish
May 8, 2016
I am very concerned about "bloodworms ". I have a strong feeling that these are sewer worms. Years ago I bought some tubifex to feed to my tropicals. The fish ate them initially but gradually went off them. I,m getting the same reaction to bloodworms.Not only are they not eating them some fish have gone unusually lethargic and listless. One fish developed an internal red spot. Showed a definite swelling and was obviously in a great deal of pain. I took immediate action and put the fish out of her misery. Has anyone had similar reactions. I feel so strongly about this that the recently bought frozen "bloodworms have ended up in the rubbish bin. If they are sewer worms God knows what dangers they present to our fish and indeed to the fish keepers themselves. I read one of your posts where a member opening a pack of bloodworms with a knife, accidentally nicked his finger and his whole arm has become inflamed..
I feel that this whole matter needs investigation. If they are tubifex then they should be called tubifex so everyone will now the filthy places from where they originate.

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