Hello there, new to this forum. I have a 10 gallon with a spotted catffish, a guppy, 2 gaurmis(blue and red), a black skirt tetra, and my bloody tiger barb. I'm very much a beginner, upgraded from a 1.5 gal to a 10 gal.
I just added the tetra and barb maybe 3 weeks ago. Originally had my red gaurmi, catfish, and guppy. Red was harassing guppy, so I got a blue gaurmi and they love each other. So we got the barb and tetras and everything was fine until maybe 4 days ago. My boyfriend and I noticed blood on the tiger barb's side-not his fin, but further back on both sides. Later we noticed the tetra whipping around him and the guppy nipping relentlessly, the barb just taking it. I don't have another tank, so we separated him in a large mixing bowl (I know :/). He was looking better so we put him back in today, and immediately guppy and tetra were at it again.
Any advice? We're looking into getting a bigger tank, but not sure what to do until then.
I just added the tetra and barb maybe 3 weeks ago. Originally had my red gaurmi, catfish, and guppy. Red was harassing guppy, so I got a blue gaurmi and they love each other. So we got the barb and tetras and everything was fine until maybe 4 days ago. My boyfriend and I noticed blood on the tiger barb's side-not his fin, but further back on both sides. Later we noticed the tetra whipping around him and the guppy nipping relentlessly, the barb just taking it. I don't have another tank, so we separated him in a large mixing bowl (I know :/). He was looking better so we put him back in today, and immediately guppy and tetra were at it again.
Any advice? We're looking into getting a bigger tank, but not sure what to do until then.