Bloody Tiger Barb-picked on by a guppy!!


New Fish
May 2, 2012
Hello there, new to this forum. I have a 10 gallon with a spotted catffish, a guppy, 2 gaurmis(blue and red), a black skirt tetra, and my bloody tiger barb. I'm very much a beginner, upgraded from a 1.5 gal to a 10 gal.

I just added the tetra and barb maybe 3 weeks ago. Originally had my red gaurmi, catfish, and guppy. Red was harassing guppy, so I got a blue gaurmi and they love each other. So we got the barb and tetras and everything was fine until maybe 4 days ago. My boyfriend and I noticed blood on the tiger barb's side-not his fin, but further back on both sides. Later we noticed the tetra whipping around him and the guppy nipping relentlessly, the barb just taking it. I don't have another tank, so we separated him in a large mixing bowl (I know :/). He was looking better so we put him back in today, and immediately guppy and tetra were at it again.

Any advice? We're looking into getting a bigger tank, but not sure what to do until then.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi, welcome to the forum!
If a fish is already diseased or injured, other fish may pick on them. That might be what's happening with your tiger barb. One of the reasons he may not be doing well is it sounds like your tank is a bit overstocked, and water quality may be an issue. Is your tank cycled? Do you know what your current water parameters are (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)?


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; No good idea without another tank. In the past I have taken aggressive fish out for a week or two and left the picked on fish. Sometimes, thou not always, when reintroduced into the tank the aggressive fish are not as aggressive. I suspect this may be because they are the new fish in the tank.
Can the 1.5 gallon be used for this?
While unlikely, can the tank be rearranged or perhaps more hiding places be added. A clump of floating plants like hornwort can simply be dropped in a tank.

Apr 29, 2012
Stanwood, WA
sounds like a territory issue. i would go to your lfs and get a devider and put the agressive guppy on one side alone. having a new tank might help, all of your fish will be in a new enviroment and have no ability to claim space before one another. tetras, guppies, platties ect. all thrive in shoals of 6 or more. if your wanting to keep your guppy i would recomend separating them and a bigger tank:)


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
My female guppy nearly killed 3 of my goldfish (don't just me, it was temporarily) and my male and female Betta. She's harassed EVERYONE in my tanks and I FINALLY got rid of her today ...