Im wanting to get a Blue Acara for my 30 gal community tank since ive heard they are one of the peaceful Cichlids as well as one of the most beautiful. Right now I have:
1 Male Betta
4 Platies
1Female Gold Gouramis
1Female Blue Paradise
2 Pair of Powder Blue Dwarfs
1Blood Parrotfish
1Gold Barb
1Dwarf Frog
The Blood Parrot has a real peaceful personality and is rather shy, likes to hang out in its cave coming out frequently for short dives. This tank is becoming well planted so territory establishment wont be a problem since it will eventually become very dense.
1 Male Betta
4 Platies
1Female Gold Gouramis
1Female Blue Paradise
2 Pair of Powder Blue Dwarfs
1Blood Parrotfish
1Gold Barb
1Dwarf Frog
The Blood Parrot has a real peaceful personality and is rather shy, likes to hang out in its cave coming out frequently for short dives. This tank is becoming well planted so territory establishment wont be a problem since it will eventually become very dense.