Now that I've lost my dwarf cichlids and my tank has been thinned out a bit (), I was wondering if there was any way I might be able to put a single or pair of blue acaras in my tank.
I'm guessing not (I think the pencilfish at the very least would be dead meat if I did), but wanted opinions from others that know more about them...
What exactly would I have to get rid of in order to make it work?
(If you don't want to follow that link, here's what I currently have:
8 Columbian Tetras
6 Beckfordi Pencilfish
7 Zebra Loaches
2 LDA08 Ancistrus claro
1 L204 Flash Pleco
2 M. trifasciata Coen River Rainbows
1 M. herbertaxelrodi Yellow Rainbow (juvenile)
1 Marbled Angelfish
2 Siamese Algae Eaters)
I'm afraid I'd have to cut down to just the plecos, the larger rainbows, and the Columbians -- or maybe even further. Thoughts?
I'm guessing not (I think the pencilfish at the very least would be dead meat if I did), but wanted opinions from others that know more about them...
What exactly would I have to get rid of in order to make it work?
(If you don't want to follow that link, here's what I currently have:
8 Columbian Tetras
6 Beckfordi Pencilfish
7 Zebra Loaches
2 LDA08 Ancistrus claro
1 L204 Flash Pleco
2 M. trifasciata Coen River Rainbows
1 M. herbertaxelrodi Yellow Rainbow (juvenile)
1 Marbled Angelfish
2 Siamese Algae Eaters)
I'm afraid I'd have to cut down to just the plecos, the larger rainbows, and the Columbians -- or maybe even further. Thoughts?
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