blue babies


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2008
i just put my female blue gourami in my ten gal four days ago then the male two days ago . she was ripe and he causing a storm in my 180 . they spawned a few hours ago while i was at work . about a hundred and fifty eggs . she was skinny and he was being defensive so i just got through putting her back in the 180. now i gotta get my thirty set up for all the fry . those males really get showy colors in the spring . i wish i had a camera to show yall the pics .


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2008
my eggs have tails!

oops i thought my blue gouramies hatch after three days for some reason . they started shootin around in the last few hours . sure enough the net survey says! thirty hours exactly what i just calculated. thanks for the congrats this really is fun . i plan to bap them in two months . next saturday il be bapn my eleven week old blue paradise that i spawned in my 180 with the rest of my fish utilizing a piece of fiberglass door screen as a divider . the parents spawned four batches back to back that are doing well the fifth batch just has a few scragelers because the older ones were big enough to munch on fresh fry. il have photos as soon as i get my own camera .


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2008
150 hahahaha

I think my fry count is closer to 400 or 500. The father is a proud parent he chases me away from the tank . He'll get to stay a while longer. By the time my thirty is ready i think i'll be down to maybe a hundred or so , but that will suit those gallons


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2008
Oh No

Yep, fork in the road . When i got home there were only about a dozen fry left visible . I immediatly removed the dad and made a water change . I found places in the gravel were there little graveyards . Some of the young look ok some are trying to swim up from the bottom and can't. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!