blue crayfish

Jan 13, 2006
ok well now that i have my new tank hubby has been pushing me into getting a blue crayfish, he really likes them but i cant find anything i like that will go in the same tank as them. he is also trying to convince me into changing my 10 gallon tank to a lizard/reptile home, i want a leapord gecko, he wants a snake lol. so anyhow what fish go well with the blue crayfish?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I have some suggestions, but I need to know what size of tank you plan on putting the blue cray in first.

Also...what type of fish would you like to have in with it? I could probably let you know which ones I think might or might not work based on my experience with crays thus far.

Big Vine

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Okay, well either of those tanks would be a great spot for crays.

Do you plan on only having one cray? If not, then I'd wait and add all crays at the same time. Otherwise, a lone cray will feel that his/her territory is being invaded, and likely try to get rid of its 'opposition.'
Also, it is typically recommended that you not put more than 1 cray per 10 gallons of water.

Neither of these "rules" are set in stone, and providing plenty of hiding spots/caves, etc., for your crays should help to curb a lot of the stress and aggression that could occur in an otherwise barren tank.

As for recommended fish to house with them...
Generally-speaking---stay away from other bottom-dwellers (no plecos or cories) and any fish that have long, flowing fins (no bettas or guppies).

Remember, there are other larger fish (from the cichlid family, for instance) that will dine on your cray, so keep that in mind too! Plenty of hiding spots should curb this tendency though.

Sorry...I could probably ramble on all day here... :eek:

Let us know more specifically about the stocking ideas you had for your tank(s), and I'm sure you'll get better feedback.

Big Vine

Jan 13, 2006
well hubby is pretty set on geting the blue cray, so i think im going to have to chose my fish around that, and im only planning on getting one cray for the tank. i was thinking some of the smaller chiclids but dont know if they would go well together or if the water requirements would be the same.

here are a few options that i like but im not sure will do well with a crayfish.

option 1
Marlieri chiclid
buffalo head chiclid
cylindricus chiclid
brevis chiclid

option 2
double full red cockatoo chiclid
orange cockatoo chiclid
panda dwarf chiclid
double full red agassizi chiclid

option 3
angel fish assortment

i want this to be a semi agressive tank with some live plants that dont require much work.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Fishckabibble said:
i want this to be a semi agressive tank with some live plants that dont require much work.
Crays tend to uproot plants as they walk through them, so keep that in mind when plant-shopping for the tank. They may eat some as well, although I've heard that they tend to prefer dead and/or dying plants.

If the cray and fish you purchase are juveniles, then chances are that they will get quite accustomed to one another's presence as they grow into adults. This often minimizes any hostilities that might arise.

The vast majority of cichlids you put in with a cray should be just fine. I'd be a little nervous about really long-finned angels---wouldn't want the cray grabbing a hold of it (if it does, it will hold on for dear life :eek: ).

Once the cichlids get bigger---depending on the type---the cray may be the one in danger of becoming a meal.

lordroad is planning on getting a blue cray to go into his new oscar tank, and I'm sure he'd have some good info. to share about this. (I'm a newbie when it comes to cichlids).

Big Vine

Jan 13, 2006
well its not going to be a combo of the fish listed above but just a single group, i really like the option #2 but the fish are a bit pricey and hard to find. i just dont want to get fish that will eat the cray or fish the cray will eat lol . I also dont want to be overstocking the tank because i know the chiclids are territorial. i believe i chose smaller less agressive ones but im not absolutely sure. any feed back on the fish options would be great.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Personally, if you want plants, I think some of the cichlids from Option#2 would be nice....or you could also try kribs (if you like them) as they are pretty inexpensive and they are very attractive.

Option #1 was Lake Tang. cichlids, except for the buffalo head, but I would wonder about this group trying to eat the cray. Except the Brevis which I believe are fairly small and live in shells.....might be a target for the cray.

This is just based on opinion....I've never kept a cray so I can't say for sure.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
Big Vine said:
lordroad is planning on getting a blue cray to go into his new oscar tank, and I'm sure he'd have some good info. to share about this. (I'm a newbie when it comes to cichlids).

Big Vine
My oscar is still a baby at 2 inches. I showed my wife Big Vine's avatar and she loved it and wants to try one. Oscars are big time cray eaters when they grow up, but that's okay too. I just did my taxes and had a nice windfall so I wanted to splurge a little and get the blue cray.

I hope the oscar will accept the cray as they are known to buddy up with a feeder fish at a young age... but I haven't heard of this happening with inverts so only time will tell.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
fishlover1 said:
if anyone needs info on blue crays or any kind of cray theres GREAT info in and also a great forum.
Yes indeed!!! Thank you fishlover1 for referring me to that's awesome!

***AND check this out!!!***

"crayfish bob" (the site administrator) has recently announced a special sale that will last until March 4th. There are some unique albino specimens (originating from blues) and lots of other good stuff that he is offering...
It is on a first come, first served basis.

To access it, you'll need to register on the forum and then look in the section entitled "This Week's Availability."

If you do decide to do this, please stick around and participate on the forum, and I'll see you there! :)

Big Vine

Jan 13, 2006
ok i think i have decided on fish, now i need to know what plants to get, i will need to get a new lighbulb for the tank the one i have is only a 15watt on a 25 gallon, would i be better off getting a 25 watt or a 50 watt, (if its possible to put one in) any how here are some plants i was interested in

narrow leaf sag?
temple narrow leaf
and was looking at getting Flora base for substrate


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
if you gonna have plants in there you should try kepping it in those small pots they somtimes be in at the store for the cray wont be able to uproot it and you wont have plants floating everywhere.