blue danio feeding question

Mar 1, 2006
chicago, il
ok well when i first bought my tank about 2 months ago, i bought 3 blue danios, 2 of them died. after that i noticed the one left was not eating the flakes i put in. he didnt eat for about 4 days. i then bought sum shrimp pellets and when they drop to the bottom of the tank that is when the blue danio goes and starts to pick at it. he will eat just about the whole pellet. i just bought 3 more blue danios this weekend and they are really aggressive eaters. when i put flakes into the food ring they are the first ones to eat and they just cant get enuff. the 2 new danios school with the one that was already in there but their eating habits are totally different. is this normal? besides the fact that he doesnt eat flake food he looks pretty healthy. he swims really fast and i do water changes everyother day. he hasnt been eating flake food for about a month now. just the shrimp pellets oh and also algae waffers i put in for my pleco.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
If hes still eating the shrimp pellets and algae waffer he will be fine, he doenst need falke food to survive. Although odd hes fine and if he appears healthy then no worries

Sep 16, 2005
your first danio may have just been acting bratty... fish will often reject new food than what they're used to for a few days... either ignoring it completely or chomping and then spitting it out.

he might try flakes if you refrain from feeding shrimp pellets for awhile... and then you can use them as a treat rather than overfeeding specifically for one fish. i'm surprised he's the only one who goes swimming to the bottom for them... i've never known any fish to resist a shrimp pellet!