Hi guys,
I have some gouramis, the ones I bought originally were 2 males, bright red and blue stripes, then I bought two metallic blue (these were the only gouramis available in the store) and put them in my 70 litre tank. Not a good idea as one was extremely agressive and killed the two blue, and terrified the other striped one.
I separated one to another tank, and it was very difficult to purchase a female, as the aquarium explained females are a dull colour. I eventually found an aquarium along way out (40km) that had females, so I bought these guys a girlfriend each. The agressive guy nearlly killed her, I've named him the terminator (he now lives happily with alot of guppies) and the shy guy has a harem.
The females are really quite dull, silvery brown, however one female is now attacking the other and caused a big wound in her side, which is sadly getting infected, even though I've dosed the tank twice. Hope she survives.
Bit sad that the shy male has no interest in his two girlfriends.
Gourmamis are a bit of hard work, personality wise.