Blue-green algae? Fish Dying ...


Small Fish
Apr 10, 2003
Big problems in the tank recently. :(

Went on vacation in mid-August for 7 days and made the BIG mistake of using one of those dissolving vacation feeders. When I returned, there was a massive algae problem in the tank. I had never had algae before using the feeder. I am not sure what type of algae it is. It appears in a thick film along all the gravel but also on the plants and on the sides of the aquarium in a similar film. It does not respond to an algae killer I bought at the LFS (which was recommended to me by the staff). No amount of scrubbing, cleaning, water changes, reduced light, etc. seems to be working. I recently cleaned the filter (there was some algae clogging it up). I also replaced half of the sponge filter insert. Was very careful while doing this.

My fish do not seem very happy. One fish (a head and tail-light tetra) has been pale for a week or so and seems to also be gasping a bit. I just peeked into the aquarium moments ago to find my rummy nose tetra belly up on the gravel. :( It has not been acting differently lately and it seemed to be fine. This was very sudden and very suprising. Also very saddening.

Tank Details:
Size: 5.5 gallons
Inhabitants: two head and tail light tetras, one black neon tetra, two cardinal tetras, and one pepperd cory (minus one rummy nose tetra :()
Levels (Nitrate, Nitrite, and Ammonia): were all around 0 when I last measured.

I don't know what to do. :(


Large Fish
Jun 9, 2003
Middle Earth (New Zealand)
Visit site
Major water changes will usually at least rid the problem temporarily, algae destroyer i have works quite well but may hinder the plants.

Another problem could be your small amounts of fish. Tetras not in schools of at least 3 will sulk and become depressed resulting in death. Buy at least 3 rummies next time.

You can also try reducing lighting to just when you want to see the fish, try that.
Hope you cure it,


Small Fish
Apr 10, 2003
Thanks for the link, Lou. I believe that it is blue-green algae from the descriptions there (or cyanobacteria). Since it's a bacteria, I don't believe the algae destroyer will work. I tried it for a few days but nothing changed and I was worried about causing more harm than good.

I tested the levels this morning. Everything was at 0. I cleaned the tank ... scrubbed down the sides with my algae scrub brush and also did a 30-40% water change (trying to get up as much algae as possible up from the gravel). I left the lights off for most of the day. And I'm still not quite sure what to do ...

... I may look into some sort of antibiotic but I've heard that they're often very harmful to the good bacteria in the filters, etc.
