now that thats out of the way... depending on how much you feed them at a time, how often you feed them varies. you shouldnt just drop stuff in the tank. mine is in a tank with other fish, and i overfeed a tiny bit, so that some sinks to the bottom for my cray. i also every once in a while give him a piece of a freeze dried krill, or algae pellet. i havea male procambarus alleni. it looks like you have the same kind as me BTW. yes, the claws do grow back, so you have nothing to worry about there. if you have both males depending on the species, they will fight to the death. if you have a male and female, you have to see what "stage" the male is in. there is 1 and 2. if he is in 2, he cant mate. if he tries to mate in this stage, he will become frustrated, and kill the female. (men... *sighs*) if he successfully mates, the female may kill the male later. (hehe they deserve it) if you have 2 females... well thats just lucky! they still may be territoreal, but not as aggressive as males. NOT ALL CRAYS ARE THE SAME!!! they range in size from about 1 inch to 2 feet!! procambarus alleni's grow to about 6 inches in proper conditions. they are also of the most aggressive.