Blue Neon Dwarf Gourami

Sep 10, 2004
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I have a blue neon dwarf gourami that I think is dying. He was in a 20 gal tank with two cory cat's, one red tail shark, and one paradise blue gourami. I am not sure who beat him up but he's not looking too good. Long story made short, the LFS said he would be fine in the 20 gal tank with the fish mentioned. He was wrong. I have since put him in a 5 gal tank and treating him with Melafin. Is there anything else I should be using as far as medication? His fins are crumpled and he is "dented" from the shark and/or the gourami. His color is gone where he is dented. He was hiding the last week but did manage to come out for food. I did notice that he did not eat that much last Saturday. Any and all advice is appreciated. T:( hanks in advance.

PS I feel so bad about this fish.

Sep 16, 2005
keep with the melafix treatment, give him a few days and plenty of water changes. he just might manage through it, even with a chunk out of him.

there are other medications, but IME melafix is most effective and safest. i wouldn't try an antibiotic, as it may crash your cycle.

jungle makes these antibac and antiparasite foods, but good luck trying to get your fish to eat them.

p.s. from now on, find out info for yourself (or from us ;) )if you can. only ask an LFS employee as an ultimate, life or death, last resort.


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
If it helps at all, my Gold Line Pleco was bitten up pretty badly by a turtle and had some nice chunks taken out of him. He didn't move for 3 days but by the end of the week was sucking on the side again. He's made a full recovery. I wish you the best of luck :eek:


Large Fish
Jul 6, 2005
DePere, WI
What you might want to watch is the paradise gourami. Gouramis generaly cant be housed together if they are males. Unless you somehow get lucky like me. ;) Gouramis are from the same familly as Bettas, and of course, you cant keep two male bettas in the same tank. Also keep an eye on your red tail. Those can be quite aggressive in a small environment. Like everyone else has said, keep with the melafix and water changes, and keep a close eye on him to make sure he dont start to float. If it is possible, you might want to put him in a smaller tank by himslef so you can take care of him there.

Sep 10, 2004
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Thanks to everyone for their information. The fish is in a 5.5 gal tank by himself. He will be there until he does a full recovery, then he will be put in a 10 gal tank with some neon tetras. I am doing the water changes and have completed the Melafin treatment. I will see how he is doing after another week and treat with more Melafin, if necessary. He really looks better after just one week.