blue paradise gourami?

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
i don't know about the fish compatability but i do have two in PBG in my tank, they leave my red gown tetras and other fish alone. But they do bully eachother unless they have ample hiding spots. I just cleaned tank massive last week so they are both hiding from eachother to avoid confrontation. So i would be more worried about them fighting or picking at eachother than other fish. Try looking for a different type of gourmai as for some reason the blue paradise gourmai is picky about its mates.

Jan 13, 2006
they are not recommended to be put together with their own kind as the are often extremly territorial (very similar to betta's) and will often times fight to the death over tank space. your better off trying to just get 1 and a different kind of gourami.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I've had bad experiences with paradise fish together, and also with a paradise fish and tetras... not sure if mine was an evil one, but in general they don't seem to do well with small tetras. I separated my paradise fish because they attacked each other, and one in a 10g went after most platies but left danios alone, and one in a 37g ate the eye out of one black neon and a hunk of gill cover off another (that paradise fish got returned to the store). You would want a passive paradise fish to try it with.

Also, be aware that they are VERY, VERY GOOD JUMPERS. They can and will find the holes around your filter and use them for escape purposes...