Ok cichlid people, I need your professional opinion(s)
I'm pondering putting a pair of blue rams in my planted tank. Here's the specs: 37g tall, 10 harlequin rasboras, 12-ish cherry shrimp, common pleco, ph 6.8, 76 deg, lots of amazon swords, rocks, and hiding places.
The shrimp are about 1/2" ~ 3/4". Would they be in imminent peril for their lives? What about the rasboras? Too active?
What say ye?
I'm pondering putting a pair of blue rams in my planted tank. Here's the specs: 37g tall, 10 harlequin rasboras, 12-ish cherry shrimp, common pleco, ph 6.8, 76 deg, lots of amazon swords, rocks, and hiding places.
The shrimp are about 1/2" ~ 3/4". Would they be in imminent peril for their lives? What about the rasboras? Too active?
What say ye?