Blue Ram Question

Jun 2, 2005
Luton, England
Hi all

Firstly great to find a really informative and useful forum. I have a couple of questions regarding my tank and the second regarding blue Rams

Firstly I want your opinion on my current setup and if you believe it is over stocked? I'm running a 10 Gal with the following fish in -

2 Juli Cories
1 Clown Plec (small)
3 Guppies
2 Rosy barbs
3 Harlequins
2 Blue Rams

As many of you won't be surprised to hear the LFS doesn't believe it is over stocked, but on seeing this forum i've noticed alot of you have larger tanks with less fish. Would appreciate your opinion!

The 2nd Question I have is about the Rams, I've had these for about a month now and both are feeding fine, colours are ok and both about 4-5 cms in size. The question I have is about the larger of the two, it spends all day (bar the odd dash around the tank) sitting on the gravel roughly in the same spot with fins clamped. When I feed it feeds well but afterwards returns to the same spot. I know my Ph is currently 7.5 which is slightly high for rams but is the same as the LFS. Any ideas on the problem? the other Ram is rather more shy and stays at the back of the tank mainly but again comes out to feed! They have both been like this for the month I've had them and I just can't believe this is normal, neither are picked on by any other fish. Any ideas? :confused:


Medium Fish
May 12, 2005
The Rams are probably scared/nervous to go out into a tank with that many fish in it. My "guess" is that he/she might be laying claim to his/her territory? It could also be that with that many fish in the tank it might be that the ammonia or nitrites are affecting the fish. They are extremely sensitive to water conditions. You might want to think about getting a second tank to put some of the fish in. At least maybe the rams with the guppies or something like that.

I have my 2 rams in a 10 gal with only 2 ottos and they stay mostly in the back of the tank behind the plants when people are in the room. I've had them for probably 3 weeks to a month now and they are just starting to trust me. They will come up to the glass and watch me when I test the water.