blue ram ...?

I have a couple african dwarf frogs that I'll be moving to another tank, but probalby not for another month or two. If we were to get a german blue ram, would he bother them? Also, is it okay just to get 1 ram, or do they need a partner? Would it be best to get a female over a male so it's less agressive?



Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
i'm not sure if it would bother your frogs, what size tank is it?

german blue rams can be kept either on their own, or in male/female female/female pairs, two males wouldnt work. if i were you i'd go for a male, not only are they much easier to find than females, they are a lot prettier and have more intense colouring.


Large Fish
Mar 19, 2005
I'll bet the ram(s) would be curious about Kermet for a few minutes, and then leave him alone. They did that with my cherry shrimp, and they look alot more edible than a frog. Well, they would if you were a small fish:p

just wanted to say thanks for the comments,

I'm sure it's too late, but I totally forgot about this thread,.

I agree with Orion, my ADF stays at the bottom mostly unless going for air, or decided to chill between the temp gauge and the glass.

I did go ahead and get the Ram, it's actually a bolivian Ram, and I believe it is male, and I also got a female Kribensis. They have each only accidently tried to "eat" it, (I was feeding at the time and they nipped at the frog when he moved) but that only happened one time. So it looks like they get along fine so far.