Blue Rams, Got Some?

Im looking into getting some blue rams. I have some store credit at the lfs and Im thinking of Blue Rams.

I heard these fish are for more of the expert aquariast. Is this right?

Or can these fish be kept easily if you just keep there water clean, temp right and fed well?

Do they need to be kept in pairs or schools?

Ive read all kinds of sizes, am I looking at 2-3 inches?

Anyone have any other thoughts on a small cichild other then the blue rams? I want small 2-3 inches, very colourful, peacefull fish. They dont have to be cichilds if there are other colorfull fish. I want something different. Not mollies, barbs, gouramis, neons, tetras..... something different. Ive been searching the net high and low for a couple of weeks, nothing has really caught my attention yet, but i may not be looking in the right direction.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
hmmmm not to sure about but blue rams, but i'd recomend a c o c k a t o o dwarf cichlid (wrote it like that otherise it sensors the first bit of the fish) its a little easier to keep than rams, and are much better lookin in my opinion, there are so many colour variations of it. Are happy on there own but they can get a little skittish some times. get to about 3 inches. :)


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
From what I understand, rams like soft, acidic water (around pH 6.5), and clean water in a well established tank. Apparently they do very well in a community tank, but the males can be aggressive towards eachother.

I'm not sure what tank you're looking to get small, interesting fish for, but killifish are certainly colorful and uncommon. They do best in a species-only tank, but that could be perfect for your 10g. We were thinking of killis, but decided on Endlers Livebearers instead.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
just keep up on water changes and don't put them in a small tank where water parameters can go bad quickly,i have had my ram for about a year or so now.i had 2 but one died in the move.other than that they were both hardy tank it mildy planted fairly hard,and alkaline.they are like any other fish,keep them in a nice home without things that will stress them and they should be fine.and now with that said i also can say be very careful.choose your new fish very carefuly.look for any signs of stress and disease.and aclimate them SLOWLY.i really like blue rams but they are delicate untill settled into the new tank.


Small Fish
Nov 28, 2003
Visit site

I have always heard that Blue Rams were quite delicate. That is why I never tried them even though they are pretty fish. A suggestion for another type of fish may be Rainbow fish. They are quite colorful and there are some species that meet your size requirement. They are also much hardier than the Blue Rams active swimmers and different than your usual freshwater fish. Hopefully, this will help.

Ok now I have a totally new idea. Im thinking about moving my 4 tetras to the 10g and puting the blue ram in my planted 20g. My tank is fairly heavly planted so it will give alot of hiding places for the ram. But will the ram dig up the plants or eat them like most cichilds would?

I want to do this for one reason its a bigger tank and beacuse this tank is out in the open where you can see it, and i can show off the fish more and veiw it myself more often.