I was just hoping that I could get some advice on specific caring techniques, food, tankmates etc. for my two new blue rams. I have heavily planted my 46 gal. bow front recently and currently only have about 8 tertras in the tank. I used to have south american cichlids but I decided to get rid of them because I wanted to keep live plants. I heard the rams are great with live plants but are extremely difficult to keep. I am not afraid of working hard on my aquarium so any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. The rams are young so I hope that they will be able to grow with my tank.
Tank ph 6.4 it is usually around 7 but I am currently adding DIY co2 to the tank for plant growth.
5 lemon tetras and 3 bleeding heart tetras 1 pleco
79 degrees in the tank
90 watts of light
20-30% water change per week
Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated, this is the first truly difficult specie I have ever attempted to keep
Tank ph 6.4 it is usually around 7 but I am currently adding DIY co2 to the tank for plant growth.
5 lemon tetras and 3 bleeding heart tetras 1 pleco
79 degrees in the tank
90 watts of light
20-30% water change per week
Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated, this is the first truly difficult specie I have ever attempted to keep