Blueberry oscars?

Aug 18, 2003
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Michele and I, were looking at a 55 gallon tanks today. In the store there was a tank with blueberry oscars , all very small. I know oscars get large and can be terratorial, however I have NO experience with oscars. what do I need to know? any info would be great, thanks


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
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It's bad enough with glass fish, why do they have to do this sh*t to my favorite fish?!?!

Please don't buy blue or "blueberry" oscars. These fish have been artificially dyed. The color will fade over time and look like a regular albino Oscar. That's IF the fish survive. Which I would think probable, as they are usually pretty hardy fish.

On the other hand, I strongly recommend you pick up one of the "regular" (Red, Tiger, etc.) varieties of Astronotus Ocellatus, you won't be disappointed.


Small Fish
Jan 12, 2003
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I would NOT place 4-5 Oscars in a 55 gallon tank unless you are prepared to purchase a tank of 200 gallons or more to house the fish when they become adults.

You could keep one Oscar all by itself in a 55 provided you purchase a quality filter and perform regular maintenance. Some even say that 1 Oscar is too much for a 55.

Also as stated above, please do not support the dyed fish trade by purchasing a blueberry oscar. An adult Oscar or Tiger Oscar are quite naturally stunning.


Large Fish
Jul 22, 2003
harrisburg nc
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as they get bigger they will be stressed in that small tank. don't be too surprised if they kill each other. they are also destructive to anything in the tank except for rocks. one time mine cracked my glass heater. but they are truely awesome fish!

Aug 18, 2003
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Thanks for the heads up on dyed oscars. I'll make sure to investigate "regular" ones.
But, I do have a few questions from the responses. Will a 55 gallon be sufficant for an oscar? If so, would that be the only fish I could have in there? I read that if you start a new tank when the oscar is small it will remain peaceful with its tank mates, is that accurate?
Thanks again

Jul 15, 2003
Western New York
I had oscars in the past in a 40 gal they were young they got along great but since I was new to fish at the time and did not have the internet I had limited info...eventually they began to kill each other off until one lone oscar was left...he tore up my plants (fake) and was very messy...but my pleco loved him because there was obviously a lot of waste...

After saying this, I loved my mentioned earlier in this post they just like to chill out...they can even be trained to eat out of your hand or even ring a bell when hungry (tie a pellet to a string attached to a bell...eventually fade out the pellet leaving only the string) just like Pavlov's dogs!!! Plecos do very well with oscars since they get big enough that the oscar won't pick on them...they love to eat live food...I fed mine rosey reds as well as pellets...if you think this is cruel to the rosey reds you may not want to get an oscar...IMHO I believe its cruel to force a carnivore to eat pellets all the time...It can be disturbing to watch another living creature die at the hands (or in this case, mouths) of another.

Now that I am more informed, I believe the 40 gal was too small even for the one oscar...100-150 gal would be much better...150 gal could house 2 oscars and one good sized pleco (are there any other kind!!)