Woke this morning to find the 200W heater on my 40g had stuck on overnight and raised the water temp to over 36oC. This was too high for the breeding trio of ocellatus plus spare male, 4 cyp fry which were growing on and 1 of the 3 syno petricola. One of the ocellatus females had also just spawned 8-10 fry.
2 syno petricola and a 1" ancistrus survived the ordeal, helped by cooling from a fan, an airstone and a quick 10% water change with cold water.
The synos are out and about now, the temp is a normal 26oC but the tank looks very devoid of life with 8 empty shells on the sand.
Time to look into thermostats with alarms. Sad day.
2 syno petricola and a 1" ancistrus survived the ordeal, helped by cooling from a fan, an airstone and a quick 10% water change with cold water.
The synos are out and about now, the temp is a normal 26oC but the tank looks very devoid of life with 8 empty shells on the sand.
Time to look into thermostats with alarms. Sad day.