Bogwood Black Dots

Apr 5, 2018

My first post here.

I have had my tank for over a year now, and my bogwood for about 6 months. My bogwood today has got a lot of little black dots on it. No idea why.

As well as this, over the last week the wood has started to go white at the front.

i don’t seem to be able to upload pictures, as the file is too large.

Any advice would be much appreciated


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006

My first post here.

I have had my tank for over a year now, and my bogwood for about 6 months. My bogwood today has got a lot of little black dots on it. No idea why.

As well as this, over the last week the wood has started to go white at the front.

i don’t seem to be able to upload pictures, as the file is too large.

Any advice would be much appreciated
the black dots, may be spots of blackbeard algae. stuff can be a major pain to rid if thats what it happens to be. I let it go in my cichlid tank and it worked for the decor. but i can see it being unsightly. as for the wood going white on the front, only thing i could think of would possibly be a mold.