Bolivian Rams


Large Fish
Jun 30, 2004
Bangor MI
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Ya, some of you might have caught my thread about the tank full of swordtails. Ya well the efforts are goin okay, BUT anyway... I wanted to turn it into a cichild tank and ive read about these guys and it seems like its ok to keep them with fish like swordtails. I was wondering if it would be a problem if i added a few of these once i get my sword tail population thinned out, and perhaps continue to add a few more once the swordtails are all removed. How many could i keep in my 35 once it is cleared out? Can anyone give me some information of these guys to help me out and see if what i want to do is ok? Also, are there any other cichlids that match up good with these guys that could fit into this sized tank?

`Thanx for any help

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
I think you will be ok with the bolivs...just be careful how many you get..asin what sex they are, because if you get say 1 male and 4 female, they are bound to breed if they want to and then become agressive, so bare that in mind :)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
2 pair could work...i would say since its a 35gal. And they shouldn't bother the swordtails (the ones you have left, if any after adding the rams) to much given that they hang near the bottem.

Any of the other dwarf cichlids would probably match up well with the rams, and require the same care/water conditions. However they all tend to hang near the bottem of the tank so you will be limited as to how many you put in. I can't think of any other cichlids right off hand that would fit into your setup. Some type of tetra or schooling fish might be better for the top section of the tank.

Left C

Small Fish
Jul 21, 2005
I have four Bolivian Rams and two pairs of Lyretail Checkerboard Cichlids together with Cardinal and Rummy Nose Tetras. The Rams and the Lyretails tolerate each other. Sometimes the bigger Lyretail male chases the smaller male but there's no fighting. The Lyretails are all over the tank including the upper and lower regions. Each Bolivian Ram has it's own territory that is separated either by stones, driftwood or a large sword. They only squabble when another one comes in another one's territory. These squabbles are mainly bluffs. They shake their heads at each other and dash at each other but there is rarely any lip locking or anything. I've had these Bolivian Rams for three years now. I don't know the sex and I haven't had any spawnings. I really like both of these kinds of cichlids.